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Bidding Procedure for the Modernization of the Dredging and Signaling Systems of Hidrovía

The Argentine Ministry of Transport calls for expression of interest to bid for the public work concession by toll for the modernization, extension, operation and maintenance of the signaling system and dredge and re-dredge tasks and the maintenance of the main waterway between kilometer 1230 of the Paraná River, known as Confluencia, to the Area of Natural Deep Waters, on the external River Plate, to kilometer 239,1 of Punta Indio channel, by channel Ingeniero Emilio Mitre and rivers Paraná de las Palmas, Paraná Bravo, Paraná Guazú, Talavera, Paraná-Atlantic Ocean. Company will be fully liable for any risk and State will not provide any guarantee.

According to the purpose determined in the previous paragraph, it is contemplated the possibility of substantiating more than one selection procedure in the event that the division -into as many sections as necessary- is technically convenient.

Likewise, the Ministry of Transportation shall adopt the necessary measures in order to guarantee the continuity of navigation of the main waterway, until the successful bidders of the aforementioned bidding procedure(s) assume the operation of such services.

Finally, it is planned the creation of the FEDERAL HIDROVÍA COUNCIL [CFH by its Spanish acronym] to provide permanent advice in relation to the concession, and that it will be integrated, as permanent members, by the representatives of the National MINISTRY OF INTERIOR, MINISTRY OF PRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT and MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTAT and by the representatives of the Provinces of BUENOS AIRES, CORRIENTES, CHACO, ENTRE RÍOS, FORMOSA, MISIONES and SANTA FE. Likewise, non-governmental and trade union organizations, as well as other entities or public or academic organizations with an interest in the matter, may be summoned to participate in this council.