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COVID19: Argentina under TOTAL Quarantine

On March 19th, the National Governement by means of Neccessity and Urgency Decree (DNU for its acronym in Spanish) N° 297/2020 has declared the TOTAL QUARANTINE for every citizen that it is not considered in the “exceptions” group such as Law Enforcement personnel, doctors, nurses, high rank government personnel, etc with the prohibition to circulate in the streets; only groceries stores, drugstores, ATMs and Fuel supply will be allowed to continue working but with restricted entrance with the aim of not crowding more than 10 citizens at the time.

The National Government has stipulated the total quarantine in an attempt to flatten the infecting rate curve which had showed a stable increase since the first COVID-19 case was detected in Argentina despite of the many measures taken to prevent it from high rocketing, such as suspension of schools, kindergartens, universities, social events, concerts, licences to home office working for the private sector, etc.

This measure will effective as from the first minute of Friday March 20th 2020 up to the last minute of Tuesday March 31st 2020. The Government has reserved the right to extend the period in case deemed necessary.

All government offices (such as customs, courts, etc) will be working with an on-duty modality and only for urgent matters.