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Argentina suspends the limitation on the use of open loops scrubbers

Despite having forbidden –on August 10th, 2020 through Provision DISFC-2020-15-APN-DPMA#PNA– the discharge of washing waters from the scrubbers to waters of national jurisdiction, today the Argentine Directorate for Environmental Protection suspends this restriction. The cause of this suspension is the quarantine established in the country

Coast Guard limits the use of open loop scrubbers

Since the system of discharging washing waters of scrubbers is being studied by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in order to get information about their effects on the environment and avoid an irreversible damage on the marine ecosystem, the Directorate for Environmental Protection of the

COVID19 – Argentina: Sanitary Measures for Incoming Vessels

On March 30th, National Borders Sanitary Authorities informed that due to the pandemia declared worldwide of the COVID-19, all vessels coming from affected areas shall be sanitized by crew onboard and fumigated by a company duly authorized by the National Health Ministry. All measures adopted

COVID19: Argentina under TOTAL Quarantine

On March 19th, the National Governement by means of Neccessity and Urgency Decree (DNU for its acronym in Spanish) N° 297/2020 has declared the TOTAL QUARANTINE for every citizen that it is not considered in the “exceptions” group such as Law Enforcement personnel, doctors, nurses,

COVID19: Argentinean Ports Current Status

On March 19th we have received information that several Upriver Ports announced their preventive closing. This decision follows the closing of national borders which came days after Argentina announced it would halt all flights from the United States and Europe and restrict the entrance of foreigners. Public and