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Argentina closes borders for non-residents.

Argentina on March 15 announced it was closing its borders to all incoming foreigners for at least two weeks. The ban does not apply to legal permanent residents. The decision to ban most foreigners came days after Argentina announced it would halt all flights from

Dangerous Residues Regulation Repeal

Maria Paula Chaves On February 14th, the National Executive Branch has repealed Decree DECTO-2019-591-APN-PTE and Joint Resolution N°3 of November 12th of 2019 (See our Newsletter “Dangerous residues”), regarding the prohibition of transit, entrance and importation either definitive or temporal to the National Territory, Special

New Set of River and Lake Navigation Regulations

On November 13th a new Maritime, River and Lake Navigation Regulation [a.k.a. REGINAVE] has been passed under Decree DECTO-2019-770-APN-PTE. On the following paragraphs we will summarize the most significant changes that have been introduced. To begin with, we want to highlight that, according to the

Dangerous Residues

New Regulation Forbids its Transit, Entrance and Importation either to the National Territory As per Decree DECTO- 2019-591-APN-PTE it is substituted in its section 1 (among others) which now reads: “It shall be forbidden the transit, entrance and importation either definitive or temporal to the